1136 SUTTER ST, 1997-02-14, 1998-02-04, 1998-02-04 by FLYNN TRUST
188 GUTTENBERG ST, 2006-11-03, by FLYNN G 1996 TRUST
424 ELLIS ST, 2011-05-31 by FLYNN RUSSELL B 1990 TRUST
2165 LARKIN ST, 2011-03-07, 2 evictions filed by by RUSSIAN HILL APARTMENTS LP
1504 MCALLISTER ST, 2016-05-17 and 2016-12-23 by ELIZABETH COURT LP
240 Chattanooga St, Aug 14 2014 (Breach of Lease), Tue Sep 29 2015 (Breach of Lease), Tue Nov 12 2019 (Nuisance) by Sf Noe Valley Apartments, Lp
500 Leavenworth Street, 49 evictions filed by 500 Leavenworth Apartments, Lp
1755 Van Ness Av, 54 evictions filed by Benjamin Arms Lp
1400 Mcallister St, 19 evictions filed by Elizabeth Court Lp
750 Taylor St, 11 evictions filed by Kaitlin Court Lp
424 Ellis St, 8 evictions filed by Windeler Llc
1837 Oak St, 11 evictions filed by Panhandle Oak Apart
200 Guerrero St, 8 evictions filed by Alamo Apartments Lp
500 Hyde St, 6 evictions filed by Frontenac Apartment
620 Jones St, 5 evictions filed by Gaylord Associates Lp
765 Sutter St, 4 evictions filed by Madison Apartments
512 Van Ness Av, 4 evictions filed by Corinthian Apartment
101-111 Sanchez St, 4 evictions filed by 101 Sanchez Associates Llc
39 Fair Oaks St, 3 evictions filed by 39 Fair Oaks Associates Lp
775 Post St, 3 evictions filed by Warrington Apartments Llc
734 Bush St, 3 evictions filed by 734 Bush Apartments Lp
250 Divisadero St, 3 evictions filed by Graystone Partners
1938 Bush St, 2 evictions filed by Jlgamble Llc
644-648 Natoma St, 2 evictions filed by 644-648 Natoma Apa
9-11 Oakwood St, 2 evictions filed by Oakwood Stone Apartments Lp
837 Geary St, 2 evictions filed by Francesca Apartments Lp
642 Jones St, 2 evictions filed by Elizabeth Lp
940 Post St, 2 evictions filed by Crosby Apartments Lp
625 Taylor St, 2 evictions filed by Bohemia Apartments Lp
770 California St, 2 evictions filed by Alhambra Associates Llc
789 Carolina St, 2 evictions filed by Marlie Llc
745 Hyde St, 2 evictions filed by Russell B And Lee M Flynn 1996 T
155 Turk St, 2 evictions filed by 155 Turk Street Associates Lp
2225 Vicente St, 2 evictions filed by 306 Dividend Drive Lp
200 Arguello Bl, 2 evictions filed by 200 Arguello Associates Llc
3299 Washington St, 2 evictions filed by Presidio Washington Apartments Lp
1735 Van Ness Av, 2 evictions filed by Spreckels Mansion 1735 Vn Lp
1725 Van Ness Av, 1 eviction filed by Boulevard Apartments
4405-4429 California, 1 eviction filed by Julia Apartments Lp
645 Bush St, 1 eviction filed by Angelus Apartments
Russel Flynn’s corporate connections