Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (AEMP)
Our site ‘’ serves as a data aggregator to support social movements and action research on housing justice in United States and abroad. We only collect information on legislation, evictions and housing justice actions. Our data collection and analysis is supported by a collective of Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (AEMP) researchers.
1) The data we collect and display on the map is public. The goal of our data collection is to support social movements, housing justice organizations, and research groups working in solidarity initiatives to address the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
2) We privilege information security of our users and their data. No information about access to our website (i.e., your IP address, details about your browser) will be stored and used for any purpose. We do not collect and store personal information or personal identifiers of any type, other than what is submitted by our users on our forms. We encourage users to preferably use the Tor Browser to visit our map and submit data anonymously, whenever possible.
3) In order to support housing justice action worldwide, we make our map data available to social movements and research groups. Contact us to discuss how to obtain our public data in an open format if you are part of a collective working for housing justice.
4) Private and sensitive information collected through interviews will not be aggregated in the public database of our site and will not be made publicly available without prior authorization from the person or group interviewed. Click here to access our consent form for our oral history work.
5) Our group reviews the contributions made on the site and removes inappropriate content regularly. Our group is not responsible, however, for data sent by our users. We do not provide any guarantees about the information provided on the site. We provide it as-is and based on our best efforts and knowledge of the situation at a particular moment. Given complexity and the depth of the housing crisis in the US and abroad, our data is not complete nor exhaustive.
6) We privilege the development and usage of free and open source technologies in our projects. We are the authors of many of them and need help to continue the development work. Contact us if you want to contribute and support social movements and housing rights research with our map software.
This document was prepared by the AEMP based on the policy for data access of Secure Drop and in the Collaborative map “data protection statement.”
Contact: AEMP welcomes questions, concerns, and feedback about this document. Feel free to contact us at: